"Phrases" { "chat type stats" { "en" "Type {green}!stats {normal}to see your stats." "chi" "输入 {green}!stats {normal}可以查看你的数据统计." } "ranking unavailable" { "en" "Ranking is unavailable at the moment." "chi" "排行榜当前不可用" } "top 99 title" { "en" "[Ranking] Top 99" "chi" "[排行榜] Top 99" } "ranking title" { "en" "Ranking Detail" "chi" "统计数据" } "ranking line 1" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d},{3:d}" "en" "Kills: {1} | Deaths: {2} | Assists: {3}" "chi" "杀敌: {1} | 死亡: {2} | 助攻: {3}" } "ranking line 2" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d},{3:d},{4:d}" "en" "Shoots: {1} | Hits: {2} | Headshots: {3} | Damage: {4}" "chi" "开火: {1} | 命中: {2} | 爆头: {3} | 总伤害: {4}" } "ranking line 3" { "#format" "{1:.2f},{2:.2f},{3:.2f}" "en" "KD: {1} | HSRatio: {2} | HitRatio: {3}" "chi" "杀亡比: {1} | 爆头率: {2} | 命中率: {3}" } "ranking line 4" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d},{3:d},{4:d}" "en" "Knife Kill: {1} | Taser Kill: {2} | Nade Kill: {3} | Molotov Kill: {4}" "chi" "刀杀: {1} | 电死: {2} | 雷杀: {3} | 烧死: {4}" } "ranking line 5" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d}" "en" "Rounds: {1} | Survivals: {2}" "chi" "回合: {1} | 存活: {2}" } "ranking line 6" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d}" "en" "Scores: {1}p | Onlines: {2}h" "chi" "得分: {1}分 | 在线: {2}小时" } "back" { "en" "Back" "chi" "返回" } "exit" { "en" "Exit" "chi" "退出" } "stats loading" { "en" "Your data hasn't been load yet." "chi" "请等待你的数据加载完毕..." } "public message" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:t},{3:d},{4:.2f},{5:.2f},{6:d},{7:d},{8:s}" "en" "{green} {1} {normal}{2}the game, {darkblue}Rank:{green}{3} {darkblue}KD: {green}{4} {darkblue}HSRatio: {green}{5}{normal}%% {darkblue}Scores: {green}{6}{normal}p {darkblue}Onlines: {green}{7}{normal}hours {white}{8}" "chi" "{green} {1} {normal}{2}了游戏, {darkblue}排名: {green}{3} {darkblue}杀亡比: {green}{4} {darkblue}爆头率: {green}{5}{normal}%% {darkblue}得分: {green}{6} {darkblue}在线: {green}{7}{normal}小时 {white}{8}" } "public message rating" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:t},{3:d},{4:.2f},{5:d},{6:s}" "en" "{green} {1} {normal}{2} the game, {darkblue}Rank: {green}{3} {darkblue} Rating: {green}{4} {darkblue} Onlines: {green}{5}{normal}hours {white}{6}" "chi" "{green} {1} {normal}{2}了游戏, {darkblue}排名: {green}{3} {darkblue} Rating: {green}{4} {darkblue} 在线: {green}{5}{normal}小时 {white}{6}" } "public message with geoip" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:t},{3:d},{4:.2f},{5:.2f},{6:d},{7:d},{8:s},{9:s},{10:s}" "en" "{green} {1} {normal}{2}the game, {darkblue}Rank:{green}{3} {darkblue}KD: {green}{4} {darkblue}HSRatio: {green}{5}{normal}%% {darkblue}Scores: {green}{6}{normal}p {darkblue}Onlines: {green}{7}{normal}hours {white}{8} {darkblue}From: {green}{10}, {9}" "chi" "{green} {1} {normal}{2}了游戏, {darkblue}排名: {green}{3} {darkblue}杀亡比: {green}{4} {darkblue}爆头率: {green}{5}{normal}%% {darkblue}得分: {green}{6} {darkblue}在线: {green}{7}{normal}小时 {white}{8} {darkblue}来自: {green}{9} {10}" } "public message rating with geoip" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:t},{3:d},{4:.2f},{5:d},{6:s},{7:s},{8:s}" "en" "{green} {1} {normal}{2} the game, {darkblue}Rank: {green}{3} {darkblue} Rating: {green}{4} {darkblue} Onlines: {green}{5}{normal}hours {darkblue} {white}{6} From {green}{8}, {7}" "chi" "{green} {1} {normal}{2}了游戏, {darkblue}排名: {green}{3} {darkblue} 技巧分: {green}{4} {darkblue} 在线: {green}{5}{normal}小时 {darkblue} {white}{6} 来自 {green}{7} {8}" } "join" { "en" "Join" "chi" "进入" } "disconnect" { "en" "Disconnect" "chi" "离开" } "private message line 1" { "en" "Welcome to MiniGames Server, Enjoy..." "chi" "欢迎来到风云社娱乐世界,祝您游戏愉快..." } "private message line 2" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "Version {normal}[{green}{1}{normal}] {yellow}by {gold}{2}" "chi" "程序版本 {normal}[{green}{1}{normal}] {yellow}by {gold}{2}" } "private message line 3" { "en" "Command {green}!mg !rank !stats !options" "chi" "常用指令 {green}!mg !rank !stats !options" } "private message line 4" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Program {green}{1}" "chi" "程序链接 {green}{1}" } "switch team on full connected" { "en" "{gold}Randomly your team to" "chi" "{gold}你没有选择队伍,已把你随机分配到" } "color team ct" { "en" "{darkblue}Counter-Terrorist" "chi" "{darkblue}反恐精英" } "color team te" { "en" "{yellow}Terrorist" "chi" "{yellow}恐怖分子" } "cancel random team" { "en" "{green}No enough players to randomly team switch." "chi" "{green}当前玩家人数不足,随机组队已取消." } "broadcast random team chat" { "en" "{green}The new team has been allocated..." "chi" "{green}当前地图已开启随机组队,新的队伍已经分配..." } "broadcast random team text" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "The traitor will appear in {1}s" "chi" "25仔将于 {1}s 后出现!" } "self random team text" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:T}" "en" "Randomly team switched\nYou are assigned to {2}" "chi" "当前地图已经开启随机组队\n你已被随机到 {2}" } "self random not change text" { "en" "Randomly team switched" "chi" "25仔已经出现" } "team ct" { "en" "Counter-Terrorist" "chi" "反恐精英" } "team te" { "en" "Terrorist" "chi" "恐怖分子" } "processing team switching" { "en" "{darkred}Processing team switching..." "chi" "{darkred}随机组队切换队伍中..." } "spec hud" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d},{3:d},{4:d},{5:.2f},{6:.2f},{7:d}" "en" "Rank:\t\t\t{1}\nKills:\t\t\t{2}\nDeaths:\t\t{3}\nAssists:\t\t{4}\nKDR:\t\t\t{5}\nHSR:\t\t\t{6}%\nScores:\t\t{7}" "chi" "总排名:\t{1}\n杀敌数:\t{2}\n死亡数:\t{3}\n助攻数:\t{4}\n杀亡比:\t{5}\n爆头率:\t{6}%\n总得分:\t{7}" } "spec hud rating" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d},{3:.2f},{4:.2f},{5:d}" "en" "Rank:\t\t\t{1}\nKills:\t\t\t{2}\nHSR:\t\t\t{3}%\nRating:\t\t{4}\nScores:\t\t{5}" "chi" "总排名:\t{1}\n杀敌数:\t{2}\n爆头率:\t{3}%\n技巧分:\t{4}\n总得分:\t{5}" } "vac timer" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" ">>> VAC Timer {1} Seconds <<<" "chi" ">>>距离VAC还有{1}秒<<<" } "vac activated" { "en" "*** VAC activated ***" "chi" "*** VAC已激活 ***" } "restrict awp" { "en" "{red}Awp is restricted in current map." "chi" "{red}当前地图限制Awp的使用..." } "restrict machine gun" { "en" "{red}Machine gun is restricted in current map." "chi" "{red}当前地图限制M249/Negev的使用..." } "restrict autosniper" { "en" "{red}Auto Sniper is restricted in current map." "chi" "{red}当前地图限制连狙的使用..." } "flashing self" { "#format" "{1:N}" "en" "{red}{1} {normal}has been blinded by himself..." "chi" "{red}{1} {normal}这个沙雕把自己闪白了..." } "flashing target" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:N},{3:d}" "en" "{red}{2} {normal}has been blinded by {gold}{1} {normal}, he slapped attacker {red}{3}HP{normal}." "chi" "{red}{1} {normal}这个狗篮子把 {gold}{2} {normal}闪白了, 被掌嘴付出了{red}{3}HP{normal}的代价." } "flashing notice victim" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:.1f}" "en" "You have been blinded {yellow}{2}{normal} seconds by {red}{1}{normal} ..." "chi" "你被 {red}{1}{normal} 丢的闪光白了{yellow}{2}{normal}秒" } "flashing notice attacker" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:.1f}" "en" "You have been blinding {yellow}{2}{normal} seconds to {red}{1}{normal} ..." "chi" "你的闪光把 {red}{1}{normal} 白了{yellow}{2}{normal}秒" } "color enabled" { "en" "{green}Enabled{normal}" "chi" "{green}开启{normal}" } "color disabled" { "en" "{red}Disabled{normal}" "chi" "{red}关闭{normal}" } "color changed" { "en" "{red}Changed{normal}" "chi" "{red}更改{normal}" } "map config toggle" { "#format" "{1:t},{2:t}" // 1 = name , 2 = state "en" "{silver}Map config: {2} {purple}{1}" "chi" "{silver}地图已临时 {2} {purple}{1}" } "map config changed float" { "#format" "{1:t},{2:.1f}" // 1 = name , 2 = value "en" "{silver}Map config: {red}Changed {purple}{1} {silver}to {green}{2}" "chi" "{silver}地图已临时 {red}更改 {purple}{1} {silver}为 {green}{2}" } "bunnyhopping" { "en" "Bunny Hopping" "chi" "连跳加速" } "autobhop" { "en" "Auto-Bhop" "chi" "自动连跳" } "bhop speed" { "en" "Bhop Speed" "chi" "地速上限" } "store bonus assist" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:d}" "en" "You earned {gold}{2}{normal} credits for {silver}assisting kill {red}{1}" "chi" "你获得了{gold}{2}{normal}积分 来自{silver}助攻击杀 {red}{1}" } "store bonus knife" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:d}" "en" "You earned {gold}{2}{normal} credits for {silver}Killing {red}{1} {silver} with Knife" "chi" "你获得了{gold}{2}{normal}积分,来自{silver}刀杀 {red}{1}" } "store bonus kill" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:d}" "en" "You earned {gold}{2}{normal} credits for {silver}Killing {red}{1}" "chi" "你获得了{gold}{2}{normal}积分,来自{silver}击杀 {red}{1}" } "store bonus headshot" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:d}" "en" "You earned {gold}{2}{normal} credits for {silver}Killing {red}{1} {silver} with Headshot" "chi" "你获得了{gold}{2}{normal}积分,来自{silver}爆头击杀 {red}{1}" } "store bonus dodgeball" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:d}" "en" "You earned {gold}{2}{normal} credits for {silver}Killing {red}{1} {silver} with DodgeBall" "chi" "你获得了{gold}{2}{normal}积分,来自{silver}丢雷老谋砸死 {red}{1}" } "store bonus taser" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:d}" "en" "You earned {gold}{2}{normal} credits for {silver}Killing {red}{1} {silver} with Taser" "chi" "你获得了{gold}{2}{normal}积分,来自{silver}电击枪击毙 {red}{1}" } "store bonus inferno" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:d}" "en" "You earned {gold}{2}{normal} credits for {silver}Killing {red}{1} {silver} with Molotov/Incendiary" "chi" "你获得了{gold}{2}{normal}积分,来自{silver}放火烧死 {red}{1}" } "store bonus grenade" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:d}" "en" "You earned {gold}{2}{normal} credits for {silver}Killing {red}{1} {silver} with HEGrenade" "chi" "你获得了{gold}{2}{normal}积分,来自{silver}丢雷老谋炸死 {red}{1}" } "store bonus survival" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "You earned {gold}{1}{normal} credits for {silver}surviving" "chi" "你获得了{gold}{1}{normal}积分,来自{silver}本局苟活于世" } "main title" { "en" "Main menu" "chi" "主菜单" } "main rank" { "en" "Ranking" "chi" "排行榜" } "main stats" { "en" "My Stats" "chi" "数据统计" } "main options" { "en" "Options" "chi" "设置" } "main options" { "en" "Options" "chi" "设置" } "main mapmusic" { "en" "Map BGM" "chi" "地图音乐" } "main ampmusic" { "en" "Media System" "chi" "点播音乐" } "main store" { "en" "Mall" "chi" "商城" } "options title" { "en" "Options" "chi" "设置" } "menu item Off" { "en" "Disabled" "chi" "关" } "menu item On" { "en" "Enabled" "chi" "开" } "options mapmusic toggle" { "en" "Map BGM toggle" "chi" "地图音乐开关" } "options mapmusic volume" { "en" "Map BGM volume" "chi" "地图音乐音量" } "options hudspec" { "en" "HUD [Observer]" "chi" "HUD [观察]" } "options hudvac" { "en" "HUD [VACTimer]" "chi" "HUD [计时]" } "options hudspeed" { "en" "HUD [Speed]" "chi" "HUD [速度]" } "options hudhurt" { "en" "HUD [Hit]" "chi" "HUD [命中提示]" } "options hudchat" { "en" "HUD [Chat]" "chi" "HUD [提示]" } "options hudtext" { "en" "HUD [Text]" "chi" "HUD [文本]" } "options transmit" { "en" "Hide teammate" "chi" "屏蔽队友模型" } "button pressed" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:d},{3:d},{4:s}" "en" " {1} pressed {2}<{3}>({4})" "chi" "{gold} {1} {yellow} 按下了按钮 {pink}{2}{silver}<{darkblue}{3}{silver}>({yellow}{4}{silver})" } "block bind cj" { "en" "Keybind crouch jump is now allowed" "chi" "一键大跳已被禁止" } "transmit on" { "en" "Hide teammate: {green} On" "chi" "队友屏蔽 {green}已开启" } "transmit off" { "en" "Hide teammate: {green} Off" "chi" "队友屏蔽 {red}已关闭" } }