"Phrases" { "rtv broadcast" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:d},{3:d}" "en" "{yellow}{1}{normal} wants to rock the vote. ({red}{2}{normal}/{green}{3}{normal} votes)" "chi" "{yellow}{1}{normal}想要RTV投票. ({red}{2}{normal}/{green}{3}{normal}票)" } "rtv self" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d}" "en" "You have already voted to Rock the Vote. ({red}{1}{normal}/{green}{2}{normal} votes)" "chi" "您已发起RTV投票. ({red}{1}{normal}/{green}{2}{normal}票)" } "force rtv" { "en" "Force to rock the vote." "chi" "已强制启动RTV投票." } "rtv change map" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Changing map to [{green}{1}{normal}]!" "chi" "正在更换地图到[{green}{1}{normal}]." } "rtv not allowed" { "en" "{red}Rock the Vote is not allowed yet." "chi" "{red}当前不允许RTV!" } "rtv started" { "en" "{green}Rock the Vote has already started." "chi" "{green}RTV投票已启动!" } "mtl broadcast" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:d},{3:d}" "en" "{yellow}{1}{normal} wants to extend map time. ({red}{2}{normal}/{green}{3}{normal} votes)" "chi" "{yellow}{1}{normal}想要延长地图投票. ({red}{2}{normal}/{green}{3}{normal}票)" } "mtl self" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d}" "en" "You have already voted to extend map time. ({red}{1}{normal}/{green}{2}{normal} votes)" "chi" "您已发起延长地图投票. ({red}{1}{normal}/{green}{2}{normal}票)" } "mtl extend" { "en" "Current map has been extended for 20 minutes." "chi" "投票成功,已将当前地图延长20分钟." } "mtl extend admin" { "#format" "{1:N}" "en" "Current map has been extended for 20 minutes by {blue}{1}" "chi" "{blue}{1} {silver}已将当前地图延长20分钟." } "mtl not allowed" { "en" "{red}Map timelimt extend is not allowed yet." "chi" "{red}当前不允许延长地图!" } "mtl notification" { "en" "{red}!rtv{normal} to RTV, {red}!ext{normal} to extend map." "chi" "{red}!rtv{normal}可以发起投票换图, {red}!ext{normal}可以发起投票延长" } "nominated by client" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:s}" "en" "Current map was nominated by {blue}{1}{normal}({green}{2}{normal})" "chi" "当前地图是{blue}{1}{normal}({green}{2}{normal})预订的" } "nominated by name" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "Current map was nominated by {blue}{1}{normal}({green}{2}{normal})" "chi" "当前地图是{blue}{1}{normal}({green}{2}{normal})预订的" } "nominate full vote" { "en" "The maximum allowed nominations has been reached." "chi" "预订池已满." } "nominate partyblock" { "#format" "{1:N}" "en" "{red}The nomination is not allowed yet: partyblock by {blue} {1} {red}." "chi" "{red}已被{blue} {1} {red}包场." } "nominate vote complete" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Next map is [{yellow}{1}{normal}]" "chi" "已投票出下一幅地图[{yellow}{1}{normal}]" } "nominate vote in progress" { "en" "The vote is in progress." "chi" "下幅地图投票已开始." } "nominate menu current Map" { "en" "Current Map" "chi" "当前地图" } "nominate menu was nominated" { "en" "Nominated" "chi" "已被预订" } "nominate menu was nominated name" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Nominated by {1}" "chi" "by {1}" } "nominate changed map" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:s}" "en" "{1} has changed their nomination to {2}." "chi" "{blue}{1}{normal}更改预订地图为[{yellow}{2}{normal}]" } "nominate nominate map" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:s}" "en" "{1} has nominated {2}." "chi" "{blue}{1:N}{normal}预订了地图[{yellow}{2:s}{normal}]" } "nominate partyblock map" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:s}" "en" "{1} has nominated {2}." "chi" "{blue}{1:N}{normal}包场了地图[{yellow}{2:s}{normal}]" } "nominate nominate cost" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d}" "en" "{green}You cost {2} credits to nominate {blue}{1}{green}" "chi" "{green}你预订[{blue}{1}{green}]花费了{2}积分" } "nominate partyblock cost" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d}" "en" "{green}You cost {2} credits to nominate {blue}{1}{green}" "chi" "{green}你包场[{blue}{1}{green}]花费了{2}积分" } "NominateResult_MaxPlayers" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "{red}That map requires less than {green}{1}{red} players in server to nominate." "chi" "{red}该地图需要当前服务器人数小于{green}{1}人{red}才能预订." } "NominateResult_MinPlayers" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "{red}That map requires more than {green}{1}{red} players in server to nominate." "chi" "{red}该地图需要当前服务器人数大于{green}{1}人{red}才能预订." } "NominateResult_VIPOnly" { "en" "{red}That map is nominated by VIP only." "chi" "{red}该地图只有VIP才能预订." } "NominateResult_AdminOnly" { "en" "{red}That map is nominated by Admin only." "chi" "{red}该地图只有OP才能预订." } "NominateResult_VoteFull" { "en" "{red}The maximum allowed nominations has been reached." "chi" "{red}投票池已满." } "NominateResult_AlreadyInVote" { "en" "{red}The map you chose has already been nominated." "chi" "{red}该地图已被预订." } "NominateResult_InvalidMap" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{red}Failed to nominate {1}." "chi" "{red}预订[{green}{1}{normal}]失败." } "NominateResult_NoCredits" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{red}You have not enough credits to nominate {1}." "chi" "{red}你的余额不足,预订[{blue}{1}{green}]失败." } "NominateResult_RecentlyPlayed" { "en" "{red}This map has been played recently." "chi" "{red}该地图最近已被玩过." } "NominateResult_PartyBlock" { "en" "{red}Current has been partyblock." "chi" "{red}下一张地图已被包场." } "NominateResult_PartyBlockDisabled" { "en" "{red}Partyblock is not allowed yet." "chi" "{red}包场功能已被禁用!" } "nominate menu title" { "en" "Nominate Map:" "chi" "预订地图:" } "partyblock menu title" { "en" "Nominate Map:" "chi" "包场地图:" } "mcr clear cd" { "en" "{green}Map history has been emptied." "chi" "{green}已清除所有地图冷却时间" } "mcr clear map cd" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{green}{1} has been removed from cooldown pool." "chi" "{green}已清除[{1}]冷却时间." } "mcr reset map cd" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{green}{1} has been reset from cooldown pool." "chi" "{green}已重置[{1}]冷却时间." } "mcr show cd" { "en" "{green}Please check your console output." "chi" "{green}请查看控制台输出." } "mcr nominate fallback" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d}" "en" "{green}[{blue}{1}{green}] you nominated has been cancelled, {2} credits has been returned." "chi" "{green}你预订的[{blue}{1}{green}]已被取消,已退还{2}积分" } "mcr runoff" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "No map got over half votes ({1}%%), starting runoff vote." "chi" "没有地图比例过半({1}%%). 即将开始第二轮投票!" } "mcr tier" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "The top {green}{1}{normal} maps had the same number of votes. A revote is needed!" "chi" "有{green}{1}{normal}幅地图票数相等,投票即将重启" } "mcr dont change" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d}" "en" "Current map continues! The Vote has spoken! (Received {green}{1}{normal}/{red}{2}{normal} votes)" "chi" "当前地图暂不更换 ({green}{1}{normal}/{red}{2} {normal}票)" } "mcr extend map" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d}" "en" "The current map has been extended. (Received {green}{1}{normal}/{red}{2} {normal}votes)" "chi" "当前地图已被延长 ({green}{1}{normal}/{red}{2} {normal}票)" } "mcr next map" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:d}" "en" "{yellow}Map voting has finished. The next map will be [{green}{1}{yellow}]. (Received {green}{2}{normal}/{red}{3} {yellow}votes)" "chi" "{yellow}地图投票已结束,下一幅地图将为 [{green}{1}{yellow}]. ({green}{2}{normal}/{red}{3} {yellow}票)" } "mcr voting started" { "en" "Voting for next map has started." "chi" "下幅地图投票已开始" } "mcr countdown hud" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "Voting for the next map will begin in {1} seconds" "chi" "还有 {1} 秒开始投票" } "mcr countdown hud shuffle" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "Voting for the next map will begin in {1} seconds" "chi" "还有 {1} 秒开始投票\n预定地图随机排列,谨慎选择!" } "mcr countdown text hint" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "Voting for the next map will begin in {1} seconds" "chi" "地图投票还有 {1} 秒开始" } "mcr countdown text hint shuffle" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "Voting for the next map will begin in {1} seconds" "chi" "地图投票还有 {1} 秒开始\n预定地图随机排列,谨慎选择!" } "mcr countdown chat" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "{silver}Voting for the next map will begin in {red}{1}{silver} seconds" "chi" "{silver}地图投票还有 {red}{1}{silver} 秒开始" } "mcr countdown chat shuffle" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "{silver}Voting for the next map will begin in {red}{1}{silver} seconds" "chi" "{silver}地图投票还有 {red}{1}{silver} 秒开始, {red}预定地图随机排列,谨慎选择!" } "vote item extend" { "en" "Extend map" "chi" "延长地图" } "vote item dont change" { "en" "Don't change" "chi" "不要换图" } "LINE_ONE" { "en" "Select a map that you want to play! " "chi" "请选择你想玩的地图" } "LINE_TWO" { "en" "Type !revote to restart vote menu ;-)" "chi" "重新投票: !revote" } "vote item title" { "en" "Vote the next map!" "chi" "地图投票" } "NominateResult_NoMatch" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{silver}No match for this map name could be found. [{green}{1}{silver}]" "chi" "{silver}找不到这张地图. [{green}{1}{silver}]" } "NominateResult_CertainTimes" { "en" "{silver}Not in available time period" "chi" "{silver}当前地图不在可用时间段." } "partyblock nominate menu item" { "en" "PB" "chi" "包场" } "nominate nominate menu item" { "en" "nominations" "chi" "预订" } "fuzzy title" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:s},{3:t}" "en" "{1} results of [{2}] for {3}" "chi" "{3}: 在 [{2}] 中找到 {1} 条记录" } "nlist title" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "Nomination list ({1} maps)" "chi" "已被预订的地图列表 ({1} 地图)" } "no nlist" { "en" "There are no maps in the list" "chi" "还没有地图被预订" } "nominate not allowed" { "en" "Nomination is not allow yet." "chi" "当前无法预订地图." } }